Salvation in the Old Testament


1. There never was a time and there never will be a time when God is not saving mankind — Romans 10:13; 2 Peter 3:9.


2. The gospel was clearly declared in the Old Testament — Romans 1:1-4; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Acts 3:18.


3. Regardless of age or dispensation man is always saved in the same manner: Positive volition expressed in a non meritorious way — faith in the Lord Jesus Christ — Acts 4:12; Galatians 3:6-8.


4. While revelation from God is progressive (reaching its peak in the New Testament) it is nevertheless sufficient for salvation of souls at all periods of time — Genesis 15:6.


5. The object of faith in salvation is the Lord Jesus Christ — Galatians 3:26. However the revelation concerning Christ varies with the dispensations..


6. Generally in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ is revealed by shadows — Hebrews 10:1.


7. Once the reality is come, we have the New Testament, which is historical Christology.


8. According to Isaiah 55:6 salvation in the person of Christ is always available. 


9. Gospel revelation in the Old Testament through simple declaration begins in Genesis 3:15 and reaches its peak in Isaiah 53.


10. Shadow Christology is abundant in the Old Testament. Examples: Tabernacle feasts, the modus operandi of the Levitical priests.


11. Christophanies also revealed Christ in the Old Testament.


12. Inanimate revelation is another means of revealing Jesus Christ. It includes three categories:

            a) Nature: Burning bush, rock, Shekinah glory.

            b) Typology: Furniture in the Tabernacle — Numbers 17:7.

            c) Illustration: Noah’s ark.


13. Many conversions are recorded in the Old Testament:

            a) Noah: Genesis 6:8-9, “just”: +R, Hebrews 11:7.

            b) Abraham: Genesis 15:6 compared with Romans 4. The +R is imputed to the believer by faith.


14. Hebrews 11 shows spiritual life (faith-rest technique of Old Testament believers.


15. Many Gentiles were saved in the Old Testament — Romans 9:24,25, 30-33; Exodus 9; Jonah revival; Nebuchadnezzar.


16. Old Testament imputation of +R — Psalm 24:5; Isaiah 61:10.